@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ |
* |
* @version $Id: catalog_edit.php 1 14:31 2010年7月12日Z tianya $ |
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022, DedeBIZ.COM |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, DedeBIZ.COM |
* @license https://www.dedebiz.com/license |
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com |
*/ |
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $id = isset($id) ? intval($id) : 0; |
//检查权限许可 |
CheckPurview('t_Edit,t_AccEdit'); |
//检查栏目操作许可 |
CheckCatalog($id, '您无权修改本栏目'); |
CheckCatalog($id, '您无权更改本栏目'); |
/*----------------------- |
function action_save() |
----------------------*/ |
@@ -33,11 +33,6 @@ if ($dopost == "save") { |
issend='$issend', |
sortrank='$sortrank', |
typename='$typename', |
namegk='$namegk', |
enname='$enname', |
ennamegk='$ennamegk', |
litpic='$litpic', |
litimg='$litimg', |
typedir='$typedir', |
isdefault='$isdefault', |
defaultname='$defaultname', |
@@ -62,7 +57,7 @@ if ($dopost == "save") { |
$uptopsql |
WHERE id='$id' "; |
if (!$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($upquery)) { |
ShowMsg("保存当前栏目修改时失败,请检查您的输入资料是否存在问题", "-1"); |
ShowMsg("保存当前栏目更改时失败,请检查您的输入资料是否存在问题", "-1"); |
exit(); |
} |
//如果选择子栏目可投稿,更新顶级栏目为可投稿 |
@@ -75,28 +70,28 @@ if ($dopost == "save") { |
$upquery = "UPDATE `#@__arctype` SET moresite='$moresite', siteurl='$siteurl',sitepath='$sitepath',ishidden='$ishidden' WHERE 1=1 AND $slinks"; |
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($upquery); |
} |
//修改子栏目属性 |
//更改子栏目属性 |
if (!empty($upnext)) { |
$upquery = "UPDATE `#@__arctype` SET |
issend='$issend', |
defaultname='$defaultname', |
channeltype='$channeltype', |
tempindex='$tempindex', |
templist='$templist', |
temparticle='$temparticle', |
namerule='$namerule', |
namerule2='$namerule2', |
ishidden='$ishidden' |
WHERE 1=1 AND $slinks"; |
$upquery = "UPDATE `#@__arctype` SET |
issend='$issend', |
defaultname='$defaultname', |
channeltype='$channeltype', |
tempindex='$tempindex', |
templist='$templist', |
temparticle='$temparticle', |
namerule='$namerule', |
namerule2='$namerule2', |
ishidden='$ishidden' |
WHERE 1=1 AND $slinks"; |
if (!$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($upquery)) { |
ShowMsg("修改当前栏目成功,但修改下级栏目属性时失败", "-1"); |
ShowMsg("更改当前栏目成功,但更改下级栏目属性时失败", "-1"); |
exit(); |
} |
} |
UpDateCatCache(); |
ShowMsg("成功修改一个分类", "catalog_main.php"); |
ShowMsg("成功更改一个分类", "catalog_main.php"); |
exit(); |
}//End Save Action |
} //End Save Action |
else if ($dopost == "savetime") { |
$uptopsql = ''; |
$slinks = " id IN (".GetSonIds($id).")"; |
@@ -124,11 +119,11 @@ else if ($dopost == "savetime") { |
corank='$corank' $uptopsql |
WHERE id='$id' "; |
if (!$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($upquery)) { |
ShowMsg("保存当前栏目修改时失败,请检查您的输入资料是否存在问题", "-1"); |
ShowMsg("保存当前栏目更改时失败,请检查您的输入资料是否存在问题", "-1"); |
exit(); |
} |
UpDateCatCache(); |
ShowMsg("成功修改一个分类", "catalog_main.php"); |
ShowMsg("成功更改一个分类", "catalog_main.php"); |
exit(); |
} |
//读取栏目信息 |
@@ -165,80 +160,76 @@ if ($dopost == 'time') { |
<input type="hidden" name="moresite" value="<?php echo $myrow['moresite']; ?>"> |
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center" colspan="2"> |
<a href="catalog_edit.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>">当前是快捷编辑模式,如果您要修改更详细的参数,请使用高级模式>></a> |
<td width="150" class='bline' height="26" align="center">是否支持投稿:</td> |
<td class='bline'> |
<label><input type='radio' name='issend' value='0' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['issend'] == "0") echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 不支持</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='issend' value='1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['issend'] == "1") echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 支持</label> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td width="150" class="bline" height="26" align="center">是否支持投稿:</td> |
<td class="bline"> |
<label><input type='radio' name='issend' value='0' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['issend'] == "0") echo " checked='1' "; ?>>不支持</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='issend' value='1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['issend'] == "1") echo " checked='1' "; ?>>支持</label> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<!--在快速修改修改内容模型后,因为模板没改变,会导致错误,因此去除些选择框--> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">内容模型:</td> |
<td class="bline"> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center">内容模型:</td> |
<td class='bline'> |
<?php |
foreach ($channelArray as $k => $arr) { |
if ($k == $channelid) echo "{$arr['typename']} | {$arr['nid']}"; |
} |
?> |
<a href='catalog_edit.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>'>[修改]</a> |
<a href='catalog_edit.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>更多模型</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">栏目名称:</td> |
<td class="bline"><input name="typename" type="text" id="typename" size="30" value="<?php echo $myrow['typename'] ?>" class="iptxt"></td> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center">栏目名称:</td> |
<td class='bline'><input name="typename" type="text" id="typename" value="<?php echo $myrow['typename'] ?>" style="width:260px" class="iptxt"></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">排列顺序:</td> |
<td class="bline"> <input name="sortrank" size="6" type="text" value="<?php echo $myrow['sortrank'] ?>" class="iptxt">(由低 -> 高)</td> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center"> 排列顺序: </td> |
<td class='bline'> <input name="sortrank" type="text" value="<?php echo $myrow['sortrank'] ?>" style="width:100" class="iptxt">(由低 -> 高)</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">浏览权限:</td> |
<td class="bline"><select name="corank" id="corank" style="width:100"> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center">浏览权限:</td> |
<td class='bline'> |
<select name="corank" id="corank" style="width:100"> |
<?php |
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM #@__arcrank WHERE rank >= 0"); |
$dsql->Execute(); |
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { |
if ($myrow['corank'] == $row->rank) |
echo "<option value='".$row->rank."' selected>".$row->membername."</option>"; |
else |
echo "<option value='".$row->rank."'>".$row->membername."</option>"; |
echo "<option value='".$row->rank."' selected>".$row->membername."</option>\r\n"; |
else |
echo "<option value='".$row->rank."'>".$row->membername."</option>\r\n"; |
} |
?> |
</select>(仅限制栏目里的文档浏览权限)</td> |
</select>(仅限制栏目里的文档浏览权限) |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">文件保存目录:</td> |
<td class="bline"><input name="typedir" type="text" id="typedir" value="<?php echo $myrow['typedir'] ?>" style="width:300px" class="iptxt"></td> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center">文件保存目录:</td> |
<td class='bline'><input name="typedir" type="text" id="typedir" value="<?php echo $myrow['typedir'] ?>" style="width:260px"class="iptxt"></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td height="26" align="center" class="bline">栏目列表选项:</td> |
<td class="bline"> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == 1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>链接到默认页</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='0' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == 0) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>链接到列表第一页</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='-1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == -1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>使用动态页</label> |
<td height="26" align="center" class='bline'>栏目列表选项:</td> |
<td class='bline'> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == 1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 链接到默认页</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='0' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == 0) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 链接到列表第一页</label> |
<label><input type='radio' name='isdefault' value='-1' class='np' <?php if ($myrow['isdefault'] == -1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 使用动态页</label> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td class="bline" height="26" align="center">默认页的名称: </td> |
<td class="bline"><input name="defaultname" type="text" value="<?php echo $myrow['defaultname'] ?>" class="iptxt"></td> |
<td class='bline' height="26" align="center">默认页的名称:</td> |
<td class='bline'><input name="defaultname" type="text" value="<?php echo $myrow['defaultname'] ?>" style="width:260px" class="iptxt"></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td height="26" class="bline" align="center">栏目属性:</td> |
<td class="bline"> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio" value="0" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 0) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>最终列表栏目(允许在本栏目发布文档,并生成文档列表)</label><br> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio2" value="1" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>频道封面(栏目本身不允许发布文档)</label><br> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio3" value="2" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 2) echo " checked='1' "; ?>>外部连接(在"文件保存目录"处填写网址)</label></td> |
<td height="26" class='bline' align="center">栏目属性:</td> |
<td class='bline'> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio" value="0" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 0) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 最终列表栏目(允许在本栏目发布文档,并生成文档列表)</label><br> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio2" value="1" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 1) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 频道封面(栏目本身不允许发布文档)</label><br> |
<label><input name="ispart" type="radio" id="radio3" value="2" class='np' <?php if ($myrow['ispart'] == 2) echo " checked='1' "; ?>> 外部连接(在"文件保存目录"处填写网址)</label> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td align="center" colspan="2" height="50" bgcolor='#FAFEE0'> |
<input name="imageField" type="image" src="images/button_ok.gif" width="60" height="26" border="0" class="np"> |
<a title='关闭' onclick='CloseMsg()'><img src="images/button_back.gif" width="60" height="26" border="0"></a> |
<button onclick='getSelCat("<?php echo $targetid; ?>");' class='btn btn-success'>保存</button> |
<button type='button' onclick='CloseMsg()' class='btn btn-success'>关闭</button> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |