Browse Source


叙述、别离 2 years ago
12 changed files with 535 additions and 588 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +14
  3. +110
  4. +125
  5. +1
  6. +97
  7. +154
  8. +3
  9. +8
  10. +11
  11. +1
  12. +10

+ 1
- 1 View File

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Sockets:支持接入DedeBIZ商业组件模块

..../a 默认HTML文件存放目录[必须可写入]
..../a 默认网页文件存放目录[必须可写入]
..../admin 默认后台管理目录[可任意改名]
..../apps 插件扩展程序目录[不可写入,可执行]
..../data 系统缓存或其它可写入数据存放目录[必须可写入,但不可执行,建议关闭对外访问权限]

+ 14
- 21
dedebiz View File

@@ -63,14 +63,13 @@ function RandEncode($length=26)
$length = rand(28,32);
$max = strlen($chars) - 1;
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$rnd_cookieEncode .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)];
return $rnd_cookieEncode;
if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
if (phpversion() < "5.4") {
die("DedeBIZ:command web server not support\n\n");
@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
if (!empty($aid)) {
$addsql .= " AND id IN(" . $typeid . ")";

$tt = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(id) as dd FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE " . $addsql);
$total = intval($tt['dd']);
$dsql->Execute('out', "SELECT id FROM `#@__arctiny` WHERE " . $addsql . " ORDER BY typeid ASC");
@@ -152,7 +150,6 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
$templet = str_replace("{style}", $cfg_df_style, $templet);
$pv = new PartView();
$GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] = 'index';
$pv->SetTemplet($cfg_basedir . $cfg_templets_dir . "/" . $templet);
DedeCli::write("Make index html successfull");
@@ -345,10 +342,10 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
$query = '';
$fp = fopen($workDir.'/install/sql-dftables.txt','r');
while (!feof($fp))
$line = rtrim(fgets($fp,1024));
if(preg_match("#;$#", $line))
if (preg_match("#;$#", $line))
$query .= $line."\n";
$query = str_replace('#@__',$dbprefix,$query);
@@ -365,16 +362,13 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
$query = preg_replace('/, UNIQUE KEY(.*?);/',');',$query);
$query = preg_replace('/set\(([^\)]*?)\)/','varchar',$query);
$query = preg_replace('/enum\(([^\)]*?)\)/','varchar',$query);
if ( preg_match("/PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/",$query) )
$query = preg_replace('/,([\t\s ]+)PRIMARY KEY \(`([0-9a-zA-Z]+)`\)/i','',$query);
$query = str_replace(', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)','',$query);
if (preg_match("/PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT/",$query)) {
$query = preg_replace('/,([\t\s ]+)PRIMARY KEY \(`([0-9a-zA-Z]+)`\)/i','',$query);
$query = str_replace(', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)','',$query);
} else if(!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line))
} else if (!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line)) {
$query .= $line;
@@ -382,11 +376,10 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
$query = '';
$fp = fopen($workDir.'/install/sql-dfdata.txt','r');
while (!feof($fp))
$line = rtrim(fgets($fp, 1024));
if(preg_match("#;$#", $line))
if (preg_match("#;$#", $line)) {
$query .= $line;
$query = str_replace('#@__',$dbprefix,$query);
$query = str_replace("\'","\"",$query);
@@ -395,8 +388,7 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
} else if(!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line))
} else if (!preg_match("#^(\/\/|--)#", $line)) {
$query .= $line;
@@ -442,7 +434,7 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
if (phpversion() < "5.4") {
die("DedeBIZ:command web server not support\n\n");
// 写入程序安装锁
file_put_contents($workDir.'/install/install_lock.txt', 'ok');
echo "Start Dev Server For DedeBIZ\n\r";
echo "Open http://localhost:8088\n\r";
@@ -450,4 +442,5 @@ if (count($argv) > 1 && ($argv[1] == "serv" || $argv[1] == "s")) {
} else {
echo $helpStr;

+ 110
- 112
src/admin/dialog/select_images.php View File

@@ -59,11 +59,7 @@ if (!empty($iseditor)) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/font/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/admin.css">
.bg{margin:10px;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}
<style>body{background:#f5f5f5}.upload-bg{margin:10px;background:#fff;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}.napisdiv{left:10;top:10;width:150px;height:100px;position:absolute;z-index:3;display:none}</style>
function nullLink() {
@@ -72,11 +68,6 @@ html{background:#f5f5f5}
document.getElementById('picview').src = surl;
<body class="bg">
<div id="floater" class="napisdiv">
<a href="javascript:nullLink();" onClick="document.getElementById('floater').style.display='none';"><img src="../../static/web/img/icon_img.png" id="picview" title="关闭预览"></a>
<script src="../js/float.js"></script>
function nullLink() {
@@ -134,108 +125,115 @@ html{background:#f5f5f5}
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="4">
<form action="select_images_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<?php $noeditor = !empty($noeditor) ? "<input type='hidden' name='noeditor' value='yes'>" : ''; echo $noeditor;?>
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="v" value="<?php echo $v ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="iseditor" value="<?php echo $iseditor ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="imgstick" value="<?php echo $imgstick ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="CKEditorFuncNum" value="<?php echo isset($CKEditorFuncNum) ? $CKEditorFuncNum : 1;?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="imgfile" class="w-50"></span>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="needwatermark" value="1" <?php if ($photo_markup == '1') echo "checked";?>> 水印</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="resize" value="1"> 缩小</label>
<span>宽:<input type="text" name="iwidth" value="<?php echo $cfg_ddimg_width ?>" class="admin-input-xs"></span>
<span>高:<input type="text" name="iheight" value="<?php echo $cfg_ddimg_height ?>" class="admin-input-xs"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">上传</button>
<td class="admin-td" colspan="4">点击图片预览,再点击图片关闭预览,点击文件名选择图片</td>
<td width="6%" class="admin-td">预览</td>
<td width="42%" class="admin-td">选择图片</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = explode("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = explode("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'><a href='select_images.php?imgstick=$imgstick&v=$v&f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'><a href='select_images.php?imgstick=$imgstick&v=$v&f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(".$cfg_imgtype.")#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"ChangeImage('$reurl');\"><img src='$reurl'></a>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ReturnImg('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(jpg)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"ChangeImage('$reurl');\"><img src='$reurl'></a>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ReturnImg('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<div class="upload-bg">
<div id="floater" class="napisdiv">
<a href="javascript:nullLink();" onClick="document.getElementById('floater').style.display='none';"><img src="../../static/web/img/icon_img.png" id="picview" title="关闭预览"></a>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="4">
<form action="select_images_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<?php $noeditor = !empty($noeditor) ? "<input type='hidden' name='noeditor' value='yes'>" : ''; echo $noeditor;?>
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="v" value="<?php echo $v ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="iseditor" value="<?php echo $iseditor ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="imgstick" value="<?php echo $imgstick ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="CKEditorFuncNum" value="<?php echo isset($CKEditorFuncNum) ? $CKEditorFuncNum : 1;?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="imgfile" class="w-50"></span>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="needwatermark" value="1" <?php if ($photo_markup == '1') echo "checked";?>> 水印</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="resize" value="1"> 缩小</label>
<span>宽:<input type="text" name="iwidth" value="<?php echo $cfg_ddimg_width ?>" class="admin-input-xs"></span>
<span>高:<input type="text" name="iheight" value="<?php echo $cfg_ddimg_height ?>" class="admin-input-xs"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">上传</button>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop
<td class="admin-td" colspan="4">点击图片预览,再点击图片关闭预览,点击文件名选择图片</td>
<td width="6%" class="admin-td">预览</td>
<td width="40%" class="admin-td">选择图片</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = explode("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = explode("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'><a href='select_images.php?imgstick=$imgstick&v=$v&f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'><a href='select_images.php?imgstick=$imgstick&v=$v&f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(".$cfg_imgtype.")#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"ChangeImage('$reurl');\"><img src='$reurl'></a>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ReturnImg('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(jpg)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"ChangeImage('$reurl');\"><img src='$reurl'></a>
<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"ReturnImg('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop

+ 125
- 126
src/admin/dialog/select_media.php View File

@@ -49,12 +49,7 @@ if (!empty($noeditor)) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/font/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/admin.css">
.bg{margin:10px;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}
<body class="bg">
<style>body{background:#f5f5f5}.upload-bg{margin:10px;background:#fff;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}</style>
function nullLink() {
@@ -70,126 +65,130 @@ html{background:#f5f5f5}
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_media_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<input type="hidden" name="CKEditorFuncNum" value="<?php echo isset($CKEditorFuncNum) ? $CKEditorFuncNum : 1;?>">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-75"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">上传</button>
<td width="50%" align="center" class="admin-td">点击名称选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" align="center" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td align="center" class="admin-td">最后修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_media.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_media.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(swf|fly|fla|flv)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_flash.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(wmv|avi)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_video.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(rm|rmvb|mp3|mp4)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_rm.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td' align='center'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(mp3|wma)#", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_music.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<div class="upload-bg">
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_media_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<input type="hidden" name="CKEditorFuncNum" value="<?php echo isset($CKEditorFuncNum) ? $CKEditorFuncNum : 1;?>">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-75"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">上传</button>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop
<td width="50%" align="center" class="admin-td">点击名称选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" align="center" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td align="center" class="admin-td">最后修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_media.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_media.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(swf|fly|fla|flv)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_flash.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(wmv|avi)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_video.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(rm|rmvb|mp3|mp4)#i", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_rm.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td' align='center'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(mp3|wma)#", $file)) {
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_music.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td align='center' class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop

+ 1
- 1
src/admin/dialog/select_mimages.php View File

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ button+button{margin-left:10px}
.topbar button+.topbar button{margin-left:10px}
#topbar button:focus{background:#006829;border-color:#005b24;box-shadow:0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(38,159,86,.5);outline:none}
#file_list li{position:relative;display:block;vertical-align:top;padding:10px;border-radius:.25rem}
#file_list li.up-now:after{content:'';position:absolute;top:0;left:0;display:block;width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8) url(loading.gif) center center no-repeat;border-radius:.25rem;z-index:999}
#file_list li:hover{background:#f5f5f5}

+ 97
- 98
src/admin/dialog/select_soft.php View File

@@ -48,12 +48,7 @@ if (!empty($noeditor)) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/font/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/admin.css">
.bg{margin:10px;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}
<body class="bg">
<style>body{background:#f5f5f5}.upload-bg{margin:10px;background:#fff;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}</style>
function nullLink() {
@@ -75,98 +70,102 @@ html{background:#f5f5f5}
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_soft_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-50"></span>
<span>改名:<input type="text" name="newname" class="admin-input-sm"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button>
<td colspan="3" class="admin-td">点击选择的文件,红色字样的为刚上传的文件</td>
<td width="50%" class="admin-td">选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = $ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_soft.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_soft.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(zip|rar|tgr.gz)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_zip.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = '';
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_exe.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<div class="upload-bg">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_soft_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-50"></span>
<span>改名:<input type="text" name="newname" class="admin-input-sm"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop
<td colspan="3" class="admin-td">点击选择的文件,红色字样的为刚上传的文件</td>
<td width="50%" class="admin-td">选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = $ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#i", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_soft.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp).$addparm."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_soft.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file").$addparm."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(zip|rar|tgr.gz)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_zip.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = '';
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#^\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = $reurl;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_exe.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
}//End Loop

+ 154
- 155
src/admin/dialog/select_templets.php View File

@@ -40,12 +40,7 @@ if (empty($comeback)) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/font/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/web/css/admin.css">
.bg{margin:10px;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}
<body class="bg">
<style>body{background:#f5f5f5}.upload-bg{margin:10px;background:#fff;border-radius:.2rem;box-shadow:0 .125rem .25rem rgba(0,0,0,.075)}</style>
function nullLink() {
@@ -56,155 +51,159 @@ html{background:#f5f5f5}
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_templets_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-50"></span>
<span>改名:<input type="text" name="filename" class="admin-input-sm"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button>
<td width="50%" class="admin-td">选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
<div class="upload-bg">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="table table-borderless icon">
<td colspan="3">
<form action="select_templets_post.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform">
<input type="hidden" name="activepath" value="<?php echo $activepath ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo $f ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="upload">
<span>选择:<input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="w-50"></span>
<span>改名:<input type="text" name="filename" class="admin-input-sm"></span>
<button type="submit" name="sb1" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button>
<td width="50%" class="admin-td">选择文件</td>
<td width="20%" class="admin-td">文件大小</td>
<td class="admin-td">修改时间</td>
$dh = scandir($inpath);
$ty1 = "";
$ty2 = "";
foreach ($dh as $file) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
$filesize = filesize("$inpath/$file");
$filesize = $filesize / 1024;
if ($filesize != "")
if ($filesize < 0.1) {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 2);
} else {
@list($ty1, $ty2) = split("\.", $filesize);
$filesize = $ty1.".".substr($ty2, 0, 1);
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_templets.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp)."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_templets.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file")."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(htm|html)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_htm.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(css)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_css.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(js)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_js.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(jpg)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='$reurl'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(gif|png)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='$reurl'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(txt)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_text.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td></tr>";
echo "$line";
$filetime = filemtime("$inpath/$file");
$filetime = MyDate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filetime);
if ($file == ".") continue;
else if ($file == "..") {
if ($activepath == "") continue;
$tmp = preg_replace("#[\/][^\/]*$#", "", $activepath);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href='select_templets.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode($tmp)."'><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir2.png'>上级目录</a></td>
<td colspan='2' class='admin-td'>当前目录:$activepath</td>
echo $line;
} else if (is_dir("$inpath/$file")) {
if (preg_match("#^_(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
if (preg_match("#^\.(.*)$#i", $file)) continue;
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'><a href=select_templets.php?f=$f&activepath=".urlencode("$activepath/$file")."><img src='../../static/web/img/icon_dir.png'>$file</a></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
<td class='admin-td'></td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(htm|html)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_htm.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(css)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_css.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(js)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_js.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(jpg)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='$reurl'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(gif|png)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='$reurl'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td>
echo "$line";
} else if (preg_match("#\.(txt)#i", $file)) {
if ($file == $comeback) $lstyle = "class='text-danger'";
else $lstyle = "";
$reurl = "$activeurl/$file";
$reurl = preg_replace("#\.\.#", "", $reurl);
$reurl = preg_replace("#".$templetdir."\/#", "", $reurl);
$line = "<tr>
<td class='admin-td'>
<img src='../../static/web/img/icon_text.png'>
<a href=\"javascript:ReturnValue('$reurl');\" $lstyle>$file</a>
<td class='admin-td'>$filesize KB</td>
<td class='admin-td'>$filetime</td></tr>";
echo "$line";
}//End Loop
}//End Loop

+ 3
- 3
src/admin/inc/fieldtype.txt View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ text,单行文本(varchar)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ img,图片

+ 8
- 14
src/admin/js/indexbody.js View File

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function Copyinfo() {
var val = document.getElementById('text');
//Dedebiz info
var dedebizInfo;
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ function ViewDedeBIZ() {
<table class="table table-borderless w-100">
ShowMsg(`<table class="table table-borderless w-100">
<td width="120">版本号:</td>
@@ -70,8 +69,7 @@ function ViewDedeBIZ() {
function LoadServer() {
$.get("index_body.php?dopost=system_info", function (data) {
@@ -84,8 +82,7 @@ function LoadServer() {
let infoStr = `<table class="table table-borderless w-100">`;
if (typeof rsp.result.domain !== "undefined") {
infoStr += `
infoStr += `<tr>
<td width="90">授权域名:</td>
<td width="90">授权版本:</td>
@@ -99,22 +96,19 @@ function LoadServer() {
<a href="${cfg_biz_dedebizUrl}/auth/?domain=${rsp.result.domain}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">授权证书</a>
<a href="javascript:ViewDedeBIZ()" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">组件信息</a>
infoStr += "</table>";
} else {
<table class="table table-borderless w-100">
$("#system-info").html(`<table class="table table-borderless w-100">

+ 11
- 46
src/admin/js/main.js View File

@@ -333,8 +333,7 @@ function getEvent() {
while (func != null) {
var arg0 = func.arguments[0];
if (arg0) {
if ((arg0.constructor == Event || arg0.constructor == MouseEvent)
|| (typeof (arg0) == "object" && arg0.preventDefault && arg0.stopPropagation)) {
if ((arg0.constructor == Event || arg0.constructor == MouseEvent) || (typeof (arg0) == "object" && arg0.preventDefault && arg0.stopPropagation)) {
return arg0;
@@ -343,13 +342,6 @@ function getEvent() {
return null;
leftLeaning = 300;
newobj.ondblclick = DropStart;
newobj.onmousemove = DropMove;
newobj.onmousedown = DropStop;
function DropStart() { = 'move';
@@ -371,11 +363,6 @@ function DropMove() { = posLeft - leftLeaning;
onmousemove="DropMoveHand('divname', 225);"
function DropStartHand() {
canMove = (canMove ? false : true);
@@ -386,7 +373,6 @@ function DropMoveHand(objid, mleftLeaning) {
var event = getEvent();
var obj = $Obj(objid);
if (!canMove) return;

if ($Nav() == 'IE') {
var posLeft = event.clientX - 20;
var posTop = event.clientY - 20;
@@ -413,7 +399,7 @@ function copyToClipboard(txt) {
try {"UniversalXPConnect");
} catch (e) {
var clip = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
if (!clip) return;
@@ -461,9 +447,8 @@ function getSelCat(targetId) {
if (targetObj) targetObj.value = selvalue;
else {
} else {
if (selBox) {
for (var i = 0; i < selBox.length; i++) {
if (selBox[i].checked) selvalue = selBox[i].value;
@@ -528,13 +513,8 @@ function DedeConfirm(content="",title="确认提示") {
let footer = `<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm" onClick="__DedeConfirmRunClose(\'${modalID}\')">取消</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" onClick="__DedeConfirmRun(\'${modalID}\')">确定</button>`;
let modal = `<div id="DedeModal${modalID}" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="DedeModalLabel${modalID}">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document">
<div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header">
<h6 class="modal-title" id="DedeModalLabel${modalID}">${title}</h6>`;
modal += `<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
let modal = `<div id="DedeModal${modalID}" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="DedeModalLabel${modalID}"><div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h6 class="modal-title" id="DedeModalLabel${modalID}">${title}</h6>`;
modal += `<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span>&times;</span></button>`;
modal += `</div><div class="modal-body">${content}</div><div class="modal-footer">${footer}</div></div></div></div>`;
$("#DedeModal" + modalID).modal({
@@ -571,13 +551,9 @@ function ShowMsg(content, ...args) {
footer = footer.replaceAll("~modalID~", modalID);
content = content.replaceAll("~modalID~", modalID);
var modal = `<div id="GKModal${modalID}" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="GKModalLabel${modalID}">
<div class="modal-dialog ${size}" role="document"><div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title" id="GKModalLabel${modalID}">${title}</h5>`;
var modal = `<div id="GKModal${modalID}" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="GKModalLabel${modalID}"><div class="modal-dialog ${size}" role="document"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title" id="GKModalLabel${modalID}">${title}</h5>`;
if (!noClose) {
modal += `<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
modal += `<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span>&times;</span></button>`;
modal += `</div><div class="modal-body">${content}</div><div class="modal-footer">${footer}</div></div></div></div>`;
@@ -703,20 +679,9 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
function SetThumb(srcURL) {
var footer =
"<p><a href='javascript:useDefault(\"~modalID~\");' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>使用原图</a><a href='javascript:okImage(\"~modalID~\")' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>确定</a></p>";
var optButton = `<p>
<label for="aspectRatio">比例</label>
<select id="aspectRatio" onchange="setAspectRatio(this.selectedIndex)">
<option selected>4:3</option>
mdlCropperID = ShowMsg(
'<div class="float-left" style="width:320px"><p><img id="cropImg~modalID~" src="' + srcURL + '"></p><p>宽度:<span id="cropWidth"></span>px,高度:<span id="cropHeight"></span>px</p>' + optButton + '</div><div class="pv float-right" style="width:200px;height:100px;overflow:hidden"></div>', {
var footer = "<p><a href='javascript:useDefault(\"~modalID~\");' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>使用原图</a><a href='javascript:okImage(\"~modalID~\")' class='btn btn-success btn-sm'>确定</a></p>";
var optButton = `<p><label for="aspectRatio">比例</label><select id="aspectRatio" onchange="setAspectRatio(this.selectedIndex)"><option>16:9</option><option selected>4:3</option><option>1:1</option><option>2:3</option><option>自定义</option></select></p>`;
mdlCropperID = ShowMsg('<div class="float-left" style="width:320px"><p><img id="cropImg~modalID~" src="' + srcURL + '"></p><p>宽度:<span id="cropWidth"></span>px,高度:<span id="cropHeight"></span>px</p>' + optButton + '</div><div class="pv float-right" style="width:200px;height:100px;overflow:hidden"></div>', {
footer: footer,
noClose: false,
title: '图片裁剪',

+ 1
- 1
src/data/ View File

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

+ 10
- 10
src/system/ View File

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PwAMpkTJJ9nwNOO6saH2eMGaQ3oxZIQ+SmminDB8miI/+hwIn2hNmaHFuur0OGlB
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
'); //DedeBIZ系统公钥
define('DEDECDNURL', '');//默认静态资源地址
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) {
if (!function_exists('session_register')) {
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if (!is_dir($sessSavePath)) mkdir($sessSavePath);
if (is_writeable($sessSavePath) && is_readable($sessSavePath)) {
if ($_FILES) {
@@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ if ($cfg_multi_site == 'Y') {
} else {
$cfg_mainsite = '';
$cfg_templets_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/theme';
$cfg_templeturl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_templets_dir;
$cfg_templets_skin = empty($cfg_df_style) ? $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_templets_dir."/templets" : $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_templets_dir."/$cfg_df_style";
$cfg_cmsurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_cmspath;
$cfg_plus_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/apps';
$cfg_phpurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_plus_dir;
$cfg_static_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/static';
@@ -167,22 +167,22 @@ $cfg_mobile_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/m';
$cfg_mobileurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_mobile_dir;
$cfg_data_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/data';
$cfg_dataurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_data_dir;
$cfg_member_dir = $cfg_cmspath.'/user';
$cfg_memberurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_member_dir;
$cfg_special = $cfg_cmspath.'/a/special';
$cfg_specialurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_special;
$cfg_medias_dir = $cfg_cmspath.$cfg_medias_dir;
$cfg_mediasurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_medias_dir;
$cfg_image_dir = $cfg_medias_dir.'/allimg';
$cfg_user_dir = $cfg_medias_dir.'/userup';
$cfg_soft_dir = $cfg_medias_dir.'/soft';
$cfg_other_medias = $cfg_medias_dir.'/media';
$cfg_version = 'V6';
