@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ | |||||
# 更新记录 | # 更新记录 | ||||
通过访问 https://www.dedebiz.com/git 获取完整更新记录 | 通过访问 https://www.dedebiz.com/git 获取完整更新记录 | ||||
# V6.5.0 | |||||
- 增加AI助手,可自动化构建站点内容; | |||||
# V6.3.2 | # V6.3.2 | ||||
- 重做后台管理,手机端更好访问后台; | - 重做后台管理,手机端更好访问后台; | ||||
- 增加流量统计列表功能,方便了解网站流量; | - 增加流量统计列表功能,方便了解网站流量; | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 添加大模型 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_add.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
if ($dopost == "add") { | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$company = isset($company)? HtmlReplace($company, -1) : ''; | |||||
$website = isset($website)? HtmlReplace($website, -1) : ''; | |||||
$apikey = isset($apikey)? HtmlReplace($apikey, -1) : ''; | |||||
$baseurl = isset($baseurl)? HtmlReplace($baseurl, -1) : ''; | |||||
$query = "INSERT INTO `#@__ai` (title,description,company,website,apikey,baseurl) VALUES ('$title','$description','$company','$website','$apikey','$baseurl'); "; | |||||
$rs = $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
$burl = empty($_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL']) ? "ai_main.php" : $_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL']; | |||||
if ($rs) { | |||||
ShowMsg("成功添加一个大模型", $burl); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
ShowMsg("添加大模型时出错,原因:".$dsql->GetError(), "javascript:;"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
include DedeInclude('templets/ai_add.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 修改大模型 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_edit.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
$ENV_GOBACK_URL = empty($_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL']) ? 'ai_main.php' : $_COOKIE['ENV_GOBACK_URL']; | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
$id = isset($id)? intval($id) : 0; | |||||
if (isset($allid)) { | |||||
$aids = explode(',', $allid); | |||||
if (count($aids) == 1) { | |||||
$id = intval($aids[0]); | |||||
$dopost = "delete"; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if ($dopost == "delete") { | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__ai` WHERE id='$id'"); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功删除一个大模型", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else if ($dopost == "saveedit") { | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$company = isset($company)? HtmlReplace($company, -1) : ''; | |||||
$website = isset($website)? HtmlReplace($website, -1) : ''; | |||||
$apikey = isset($apikey)? HtmlReplace($apikey, -1) : ''; | |||||
$baseurl = isset($baseurl)? HtmlReplace($baseurl, -1) : ''; | |||||
$query = "UPDATE `#@__ai` SET title='$title',description='$description',company='$company',website='$website',apikey='$apikey', baseurl='$baseurl' WHERE id='$id' "; | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功修改一个大模型", $ENV_GOBACK_URL); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
$myAI = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai` WHERE id=$id"); | |||||
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `#@__ai_model` WHERE aiid=$id ORDER BY id DESC"; | |||||
$dlist = new DataListCP(); | |||||
$dlist->SetTemplet(DEDEADMIN.'/templets/ai_edit.htm'); | |||||
$dlist->SetSource($sql); | |||||
$dlist->display(); | |||||
// include DedeInclude('templets/ai_edit.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 调用日志管理 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_log_main.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
CheckPurview('sys_Log'); | |||||
require_once(DEDEINC."/datalistcp.class.php"); | |||||
require_once(DEDEINC."/common.func.php"); | |||||
DedeSetCookie("ENV_GOBACK_URL", $dedeNowurl, time() + 3600, "/"); | |||||
$sql = $where = ''; | |||||
if (empty($adminid)) $adminid = 0; | |||||
if (empty($cip)) $cip = ''; | |||||
if (empty($dtime)) $dtime = 0; | |||||
if ($adminid > 0) $where .= " AND `#@__log`.adminid='$adminid' "; | |||||
if ($cip != "") $where .= " AND `#@__log`.cip LIKE '%$cip%' "; | |||||
if ($dtime > 0) { | |||||
$nowtime = time(); | |||||
$starttime = $nowtime - ($dtime * 24 * 3600); | |||||
$where .= " AND `#@__log`.dtime>'$starttime' "; | |||||
} | |||||
$sql = "SELECT `#@__ai_log`.*,`#@__admin`.userid FROM `#@__ai_log` LEFT JOIN `#@__admin` ON `#@__admin`.id=`#@__ai_log`.adminid WHERE 1=1 $where ORDER BY `#@__ai_log`.lid DESC"; | |||||
$adminlist = ''; | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT id,uname FROM `#@__admin`"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute('admin'); | |||||
while ($myrow = $dsql->GetObject('admin')) { | |||||
$adminlist .= "<option value='{$myrow->id}'>{$myrow->uname}</option>\r\n"; | |||||
} | |||||
$dlist = new DataListCP(); | |||||
$dlist->pagesize = 30; | |||||
$dlist->SetParameter("adminid", $adminid); | |||||
$dlist->SetParameter("cip", $cip); | |||||
$dlist->SetParameter("dtime", $dtime); | |||||
$dlist->SetTemplate(DEDEADMIN."/templets/ai_log_main.htm"); | |||||
$dlist->SetSource($sql); | |||||
$dlist->Display(); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 大模型管理 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_main.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php'); | |||||
require_once(DEDEINC.'/datalistcp.class.php'); | |||||
DedeSetCookie('ENV_GOBACK_URL', $dedeNowurl, time() + 3600, '/'); | |||||
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `#@__ai` ORDER BY id DESC"; | |||||
$dlist = new DataListCP(); | |||||
$dlist->SetTemplet(DEDEADMIN.'/templets/ai_main.htm'); | |||||
$dlist->SetSource($sql); | |||||
$dlist->display(); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 添加模型版本 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_model_add.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
$aiid = isset($aiid) ? intval($aiid) : 0; | |||||
if ($dopost == "add") { | |||||
$model = isset($model)? HtmlReplace($model, -1) : ''; | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$query = "INSERT INTO `#@__ai_model` (aiid,title,model,description) VALUES ('$aiid','$title','$model','$description'); "; | |||||
$rs = $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
$burl = "ai_edit.php?id=".$aiid; | |||||
if ($rs) { | |||||
ShowMsg("成功添加一个模型版本", $burl); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
ShowMsg("添加模型版本时出错,原因:".$dsql->GetError(), "javascript:;"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
if($aiid > 0) { | |||||
$ai = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai` WHERE id=$aiid"); | |||||
} | |||||
include DedeInclude('templets/ai_model_add.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 修改模型版本 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_model_edit.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
$id = isset($id)? intval($id) : 0; | |||||
$myModel = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai_model` WHERE id=$id"); | |||||
if ($dopost == "delete") { | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__ai_model` WHERE id='$id'"); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功删除一个模型版本", "ai_edit.php?id={$myModel['aiid']}&dopost=getedit"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else if ($dopost == "saveedit") { | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$model = isset($model)? HtmlReplace($model, -1) : ''; | |||||
$query = "UPDATE `#@__ai_model` SET title='$title',description='$description',model='$model' WHERE id='$id' "; | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功修改一个模型版本", "ai_edit.php?id={$myModel['aiid']}&dopost=getedit"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
$ai = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai` WHERE id=".$myModel['aiid']); | |||||
include DedeInclude('templets/ai_model_edit.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 模型版本管理 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_model_main.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php'); | |||||
require_once(DEDEINC.'/datalistcp.class.php'); | |||||
DedeSetCookie('ENV_GOBACK_URL', $dedeNowurl, time() + 3600, '/'); | |||||
$sql = "SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY AM.id DESC"; | |||||
$dlist = new DataListCP(); | |||||
$dlist->SetTemplet(DEDEADMIN.'/templets/ai_model_main.htm'); | |||||
$dlist->SetSource($sql); | |||||
$dlist->display(); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 添加提示词 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_prompt_add.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
$id = isset($id) ? intval($id) : 0; | |||||
if ($dopost == "add") { | |||||
$pname = isset($pname)? HtmlReplace($pname, -1) : ''; | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$prompt = isset($prompt)? $prompt : ''; | |||||
$dfprompt = isset($dfprompt)? $dfprompt : ''; | |||||
$query = "INSERT INTO `#@__ai_prompt` (pname,title,prompt,description,dfprompt) VALUES ('$pname','$title','$prompt','$description','$dfprompt');"; | |||||
$rs = $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
$burl = "ai_prompt_main.php"; | |||||
if ($rs) { | |||||
ShowMsg("成功添加一个提示词", $burl); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else { | |||||
ShowMsg("添加提示词时出错,原因:".$dsql->GetError(), "javascript:;"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
include DedeInclude('templets/ai_prompt_add.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 修改提示词 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_prompt_edit.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); | |||||
if (empty($dopost)) $dopost = ''; | |||||
$id = isset($id)? intval($id) : 0; | |||||
$myPrompt = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai_prompt` WHERE id=$id"); | |||||
if ($dopost == "delete") { | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__ai_prompt` WHERE id='$id'"); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功删除一个提示词", "ai_prompt_main.php"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} else if ($dopost == "saveedit") { | |||||
$title = isset($title)? HtmlReplace($title, -1) : ''; | |||||
$description = isset($description)? HtmlReplace($description, -1) : ''; | |||||
$prompt = isset($prompt)? $prompt : ''; | |||||
$dfprompt = isset($dfprompt)? $dfprompt : ''; | |||||
$query = "UPDATE `#@__ai_prompt` SET title='$title',description='$description',prompt='$prompt',dfprompt='$dfprompt' WHERE id='$id' "; | |||||
$dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); | |||||
ShowMsg("成功修改一个提示词", "ai_prompt_edit.php?id={$myPrompt['id']}"); | |||||
exit(); | |||||
} | |||||
include DedeInclude('templets/ai_prompt_edit.htm'); | |||||
?> |
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ | |||||
<?php | |||||
/** | |||||
* 提示词管理 | |||||
* | |||||
* @version $id:ai_prompt_main.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Administrator | |||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2025 DedeBIZ.COM | |||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | |||||
* @link https://www.dedebiz.com | |||||
*/ | |||||
require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php'); | |||||
require_once(DEDEINC.'/datalistcp.class.php'); | |||||
DedeSetCookie('ENV_GOBACK_URL', $dedeNowurl, time() + 3600, '/'); | |||||
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `#@__ai_prompt` ORDER BY id DESC"; | |||||
$dlist = new DataListCP(); | |||||
$dlist->SetTemplet(DEDEADMIN.'/templets/ai_prompt_main.htm'); | |||||
$dlist->SetSource($sql); | |||||
$dlist->display(); | |||||
?> |
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ | |||||
4,会员设置 | 4,会员设置 | ||||
5,互动设置 | 5,互动设置 | ||||
6,性能选项 | 6,性能选项 | ||||
8,智能设置 | |||||
7,其它选项 | 7,其它选项 |
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ if ($cuserLogin->getUserType() >= 10) { | |||||
<m:item name='积分产品分类' link='cards_type.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | <m:item name='积分产品分类' link='cards_type.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | ||||
<m:item name='支付接口设置' link='sys_payment.php' .php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | <m:item name='支付接口设置' link='sys_payment.php' .php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | ||||
</m:top> | </m:top> | ||||
<m:top item='10_' name='智能管理' rank='sys_Data' icon='fa fa-gg'> | |||||
<m:item name='大模型管理' link='ai_main.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | |||||
<m:item name='提示词管理' link='ai_prompt_main.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | |||||
<m:item name='调用日志管理' link='ai_log_main.php' rank='sys_Data' target='main' /> | |||||
</m:top> | |||||
<m:top item='12_' name='系统设置' rank='sys_User,sys_Group,sys_Edit,sys_Log,sys_Data' icon='fa fa-cog'> | <m:top item='12_' name='系统设置' rank='sys_User,sys_Group,sys_Edit,sys_Log,sys_Data' icon='fa fa-cog'> | ||||
<m:item name='系统设置' link='sys_info.php' rank='sys_Edit' target='main' /> | <m:item name='系统设置' link='sys_info.php' rank='sys_Edit' target='main' /> | ||||
<m:item name='日志管理' link='log_list.php' rank='sys_Log' target='main' /> | <m:item name='日志管理' link='log_list.php' rank='sys_Log' target='main' /> | ||||
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ | |||||
<!DOCTYPE html> | |||||
<html> | |||||
<head> | |||||
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |||||
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no"> | |||||
<title>添加大模型</title> | |||||
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/web/css/font-awesome.min.css"> | |||||
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/web/css/bootstrap.min.css"> | |||||
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<script src="/static/web/js/jquery.min.js"></script> | |||||
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<script src="/static/web/js/admin.main.js"></script> | |||||
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<body> | |||||
<div class="container-fluid"> | |||||
<ol class="breadcrumb"> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index_body.php">后台面板</a></li> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="ai_main.php">大模型管理</a></li> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">添加大模型</li> | |||||
</ol> | |||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">添加大模型</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form name="form1" action="ai_add.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="add"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" class="admin-textarea-sm"></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>公司名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="company" id="company" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>官方网址</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="website" id="website" class="admin-input-lg"></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>API Key</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="apikey" id="apikey" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>接口地址</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="baseurl" id="baseurl" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td colspan="2" align="center"> | |||||
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button> | |||||
<button type="reset" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm">重置</button> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
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</html> |
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ | |||||
<!DOCTYPE html> | |||||
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no"> | |||||
<title>修改友情链接</title> | |||||
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<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">修改大模型</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form action="ai_edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $myAI['id']?>"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="saveedit"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo $myAI['title']?>" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" class="admin-textarea-sm"><?php echo $myAI['description']?></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>公司名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="company" id="company" class="admin-input-lg" value="<?php echo $myAI['company']?>" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>官方网址</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="website" id="website" class="admin-input-lg" value="<?php echo $myAI['website']?>"></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>API Key</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="apikey" id="apikey" class="admin-input-lg" value="<?php echo $myAI['apikey']?>" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>接口地址</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="baseurl" id="baseurl" class="admin-input-lg" value="<?php echo $myAI['baseurl']?>" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td colspan="2"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<p> | |||||
模型版本 <a href="ai_model_add.php?aiid=<?php echo $myAI['id']?>" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">添加模型版本</a> | |||||
</p><hr> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless table-hover"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td scope="col">ID</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">Model</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">名称</td> | |||||
<td scope="col" width="30%">描述</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">操作</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
{dede:datalist} | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.id/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.model function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.title function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.description/}</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<a href="ai_model_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}" class="btn btn-light btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square" title="修改"></i></a> | |||||
<a href="ai_model_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}&dopost=delete" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-trash" title="删除"></i></a> | |||||
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<button type="reset" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm">重置</button> | |||||
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<?php echo $adminlist?> | |||||
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<td scope="col">选择</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">管理员</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">标识</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">模型版本</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">提示词</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">地址</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">时间</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">消耗</td> | |||||
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{dede:datalist} | |||||
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<td>{dede:field.userid/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.pname/}</td> | |||||
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<td><input type="text" name="t0" value="{dede:field.prompt/}" class="admin-input-lg"></td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.cip/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.dtime function="MyDate('y/m/d H:i:s',@me)"/}</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
提示:{dede:field.prompt_tokens/} <br/> | |||||
对话:{dede:field.completion_tokens/} <br/> | |||||
总计:{dede:field.total_tokens/} | |||||
</td> | |||||
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<td width="30%">描述</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">隶属公司</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">官网</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">操作</td> | |||||
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<td>{dede:field.title function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.description function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.company/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.website/}</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<a href="ai_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}&dopost=getedit" | |||||
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title="修改"></i></a> | |||||
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<?php if($aiid > 0) { ;?><li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="ai_edit.php?id=<?php echo $ai['id'];?>"><?php echo $ai['title'];?></a></li><?php }?> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">添加模型版本</li> | |||||
</ol> | |||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">添加模型版本</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form name="form1" action="ai_model_add.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="add"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="aiid" value="<?php echo $ai['id'];?>"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">隶属模型</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php if($aiid > 0) { ;?> | |||||
id:<?php echo $ai['id'];?> <?php echo $ai['title'];?> | |||||
<?php } else { ?> | |||||
<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__ai` ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"><?php echo $row->title;?></option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select> | |||||
<?php } ?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">Model</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="model" id="model" value="" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" class="admin-textarea-sm"></textarea></td> | |||||
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<li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改模型版本</li> | |||||
</ol> | |||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">修改模型版本</div> | |||||
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<form name="form1" action="ai_model_edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="saveedit"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="aiid" value="<?php echo $myModel['aiid']?>"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $myModel['id']?>"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">隶属模型</td> | |||||
<td>id:<?php echo $ai['id'];?> <?php echo $ai['title'];?></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">Model</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="model" id="model" value="<?php echo $myModel['model']?>" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>名称</td> | |||||
<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo $myModel['title']?>" class="admin-input-lg" required></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" class="admin-textarea-sm"><?php echo $myModel['description']?></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td colspan="2" align="center"> | |||||
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button> | |||||
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<td scope="col">ID</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">Model</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">名称</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">大模型</td> | |||||
<td scope="col" width="30%">描述</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">操作</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
{dede:datalist} | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.id/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.model function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.title function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.aititle/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.description/}</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<a href="ai_model_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}" class="btn btn-light btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square" title="修改"></i></a> | |||||
<a href="ai_model_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}&dopost=delete" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-trash" title="删除"></i></a> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
{/dede:datalist} | |||||
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<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="ai_prompt_main.php">提示词管理</a></li> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">添加提示词</li> | |||||
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<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">添加提示词</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form name="form1" action="ai_prompt_add.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="add"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">标识</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<input name="pname" id="pname" class="admin-input-lg" | |||||
required>(英文数字组成) | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">名称</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<input name="title" id="title" class="admin-input-lg" | |||||
required> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" | |||||
class="admin-textarea-sm"></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>提示词规则</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<textarea name="prompt" id="prompt" class="admin-textarea-sm" style="height: 200px;"></textarea>(AI系统提示词) | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>默认提示词</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="dfprompt" id="dfprompt" class="admin-textarea-sm"></textarea>(用户不提交内容,默认采用的提示词)</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td colspan="2" align="center"> | |||||
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button> | |||||
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<a href="ai_prompt_main.php" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm">返回</a> | |||||
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<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="ai_prompt_main.php">提示词管理</a></li> | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改提示词</li> | |||||
</ol> | |||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">修改提示词</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form name="form1" action="ai_prompt_edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="saveedit"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $myPrompt['id']?>"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
if(!empty($myPrompt['info'])){ | |||||
?> | |||||
<div class="alert alert-warning"> | |||||
<?php echo $myPrompt['info']?> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless"> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">标识</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<?php echo $myPrompt['pname']?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td width="260">名称</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<input name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo $myPrompt['title']?>" class="admin-input-lg" | |||||
required> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>描述</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="description" id="description" | |||||
class="admin-textarea-sm"><?php echo $myPrompt['description']?></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>提示词规则</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<textarea name="prompt" id="prompt" class="admin-textarea-sm" style="height: 200px;"><?php echo $myPrompt['prompt']?></textarea> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>默认提示词</td> | |||||
<td><textarea name="dfprompt" id="dfprompt" class="admin-textarea-sm"><?php echo $myPrompt['dfprompt']?></textarea></td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td colspan="2" align="center"> | |||||
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">保存</button> | |||||
<button type="reset" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm">重置</button> | |||||
<a href="ai_prompt_main.php" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm">返回</a> | |||||
</td> | |||||
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<a href="ai_prompt_add.php" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">添加提示词</a> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | |||||
<div class="card-header">提示词管理</div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | |||||
<form name="form1" method="post" action="ai_edit.php"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="delall"> | |||||
<input type="hidden" name="allid"> | |||||
<div class="table-responsive"> | |||||
<table class="table table-borderless table-hover"> | |||||
<thead> | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td scope="col">ID</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">标识</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">名称</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">系统</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">描述</td> | |||||
<td scope="col">操作</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
</thead> | |||||
<tbody> | |||||
{dede:datalist} | |||||
<tr> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.id/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.pname/}</td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.title function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td><?php echo $fields['issystem']==0?'否' : '是';?></td> | |||||
<td>{dede:field.description function='dede_htmlspecialchars(@me)'/}</td> | |||||
<td> | |||||
<a href="ai_prompt_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}&dopost=getedit" | |||||
class="btn btn-light btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square" | |||||
title="修改"></i></a> | |||||
<?php if($fields['issystem']==0) {?> | |||||
<a href="ai_prompt_edit.php?id={dede:field.id/}&dopost=delete" | |||||
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-trash" title="删除"></i></a> | |||||
<?php }?> | |||||
</td> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
{/dede:datalist} | |||||
</tbody> | |||||
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<li class="breadcrumb-item active">发布文档</li> | <li class="breadcrumb-item active">发布文档</li> | ||||
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<div class="card shadow-sm"> | <div class="card shadow-sm"> | ||||
<div class="card-header">发布文档</div> | |||||
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">发布文档 <button type="button" id="btnAI" onclick="showAI();" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">AI发布文档</button></div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | <div class="card-body"> | ||||
<form name="form1" action="article_add.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | <form name="form1" action="article_add.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | ||||
<input type="hidden" name="channelid" value="<?php echo $channelid?>"> | <input type="hidden" name="channelid" value="<?php echo $channelid?>"> | ||||
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<h5 class="modal-title">AI发布文档</h5> | |||||
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<form> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<textarea class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;height: 100px;" id="prompt" placeholder="我需要写一篇介绍穆云智能科技公司的文章"></textarea><br/> | |||||
选择模型:<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"<?php echo $row->isdefault==1?' selected' : '';?>><?php echo $row->model;?>(<?php echo $row->aititle;?>)</option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select><br/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
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<button id="btnAIAction" class="btn btn-success">AI生成</button> | |||||
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<script>InitPage();</script> | <script>InitPage();</script> | ||||
<script> | |||||
let eventSource; // 保存 EventSource 实例 | |||||
let modelid = 0; | |||||
function showAI() { | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('show'); | |||||
} | |||||
$("#btnAIAction").click(function() { | |||||
let prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; | |||||
let modelid = document.getElementById("modelid").value; | |||||
let eventSource = new EventSource(`<?php echo $cfg_ai_server;?>/ai/article_add?modelid=${modelid}&prompt=${prompt}`); | |||||
// 新增状态跟踪变量 | |||||
let currentKey = null; | |||||
let tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
let isClosingTag = false; | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('hide'); | |||||
$("#btnAI").attr("disabled", "disabled"); | |||||
prompt = ""; | |||||
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}); | |||||
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eventSource.onerror = (error) => { | |||||
console.log("连接已关闭"); | |||||
$("#btnAI").prop("disabled", false); | |||||
eventSource.close(); | |||||
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<li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改文档</li> | <li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改文档</li> | ||||
</ol> | </ol> | ||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | <div class="card shadow-sm"> | ||||
<div class="card-header">修改<?php echo $arcRow['title'];?>文档</div> | |||||
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">修改<?php echo $arcRow['title'];?>文档 <button type="button" id="btnAI" onclick="showAI();" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">AI修改文档</button></div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | <div class="card-body"> | ||||
<form name="form1" action="article_edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | <form name="form1" action="article_edit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | ||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | <input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | ||||
@@ -218,6 +218,165 @@ | |||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
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<div class="modal-content"> | |||||
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<h5 class="modal-title">AI修改文档</h5> | |||||
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<div class="modal-body"> | |||||
<form> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<textarea class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;height: 100px;" id="prompt" placeholder="填写您需要对当前的内容进行怎样的优化,例如:我需要对当前文章就行润色,内容轻松活泼些,不要出现错别字"></textarea><br/> | |||||
选择模型:<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"<?php echo $row->isdefault==1?' selected' : '';?>><?php echo $row->model;?>(<?php echo $row->aititle;?>)</option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select><br/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-footer"> | |||||
<button id="btnAIAction" class="btn btn-success">AI生成</button> | |||||
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</div> | |||||
<script>InitPage();</script> | <script>InitPage();</script> | ||||
<script> | |||||
let eventSource; // 保存 EventSource 实例 | |||||
let modelid = 0; | |||||
function showAI() { | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('show'); | |||||
} | |||||
$("#btnAIAction").click(function() { | |||||
let prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; | |||||
let modelid = document.getElementById("modelid").value; | |||||
let eventSource = new EventSource(`<?php echo $cfg_ai_server;?>/ai/article_edit?aid=<?php echo $aid?>&modelid=${modelid}&prompt=${prompt}`); | |||||
// 新增状态跟踪变量 | |||||
let currentKey = null; | |||||
let tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
let isClosingTag = false; | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('hide'); | |||||
$("#btnAI").attr("disabled", "disabled"); | |||||
prompt = ""; | |||||
let lastChar = ""; | |||||
let bodyHtml = ""; | |||||
let typeid = ""; | |||||
eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { | |||||
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char = '<br>'; // 替换为 <br> 标签 | |||||
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lastChar = char; // 记录当前字符 | |||||
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if (char === '\\') { | |||||
return; // 如果是反斜杠,跳过处理 | |||||
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return; | |||||
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isClosingTag = false; | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
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$(input).prop("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); // 仅禁用当前输入框 | |||||
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} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
}; | |||||
eventSource.onerror = (error) => { | |||||
console.log("连接已关闭"); | |||||
$("#btnAI").prop("disabled", false); | |||||
eventSource.close(); | |||||
}; | |||||
}); | |||||
</script> | |||||
</body> | </body> | ||||
</html> | </html> |
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">添加栏目</li> | <li class="breadcrumb-item active">添加栏目</li> | ||||
</ol> | </ol> | ||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | <div class="card shadow-sm"> | ||||
<div class="card-header">添加栏目</div> | |||||
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">添加栏目 <button type="button" id="btnAI" onclick="showAI();" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">AI创建栏目</button></div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | <div class="card-body"> | ||||
<form name="form1" action="catalog_add.php" method="post"> | <form name="form1" action="catalog_add.php" method="post"> | ||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | <input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | ||||
@@ -293,6 +293,38 @@ | |||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
<div id="mdlAI" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> | |||||
<div class="modal-dialog modal-xl"> | |||||
<div class="modal-content"> | |||||
<div class="modal-header"> | |||||
<h5 class="modal-title">AI创建栏目</h5> | |||||
<button type="button" class="update-close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-body"> | |||||
<form> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<textarea class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;height: 100px;" id="prompt" placeholder="填写您需要创建栏目的要求,例如:我需要创建一个介绍穆云智能科技公司的栏目"></textarea><br/> | |||||
选择模型:<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"<?php echo $row->isdefault==1?' selected' : '';?>><?php echo $row->model;?>(<?php echo $row->aititle;?>)</option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select><br/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-footer"> | |||||
<button id="btnAIAction" class="btn btn-success">AI生成</button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<script> | <script> | ||||
var channelArray = new Array(); | var channelArray = new Array(); | ||||
<?php | <?php | ||||
@@ -375,6 +407,120 @@ | |||||
jQuery("#apikey").val(data); | jQuery("#apikey").val(data); | ||||
}); | }); | ||||
} | } | ||||
let eventSource; // 保存 EventSource 实例 | |||||
let modelid = 0; | |||||
function showAI() { | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('show'); | |||||
} | |||||
$("#btnAIAction").click(function() { | |||||
let prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; | |||||
let modelid = document.getElementById("modelid").value; | |||||
let eventSource = new EventSource(`<?php echo $cfg_ai_server;?>/ai/catalog_add?modelid=${modelid}&prompt=${prompt}`); | |||||
// 新增状态跟踪变量 | |||||
let currentKey = null; | |||||
let tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
let isClosingTag = false; | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('hide'); | |||||
$("#btnAI").attr("disabled", "disabled"); | |||||
prompt = ""; | |||||
let bodyHtml = ""; | |||||
let lastChar = ""; | |||||
eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { | |||||
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char = '<br>'; // 替换为 <br> 标签 | |||||
lastChar = ""; // 清空追踪字符 | |||||
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lastChar = char; // 记录当前字符 | |||||
} | |||||
if (char === '\\') { | |||||
return; // 如果是反斜杠,跳过处理 | |||||
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if (currentKey) { | |||||
if (char === '{') { | |||||
isClosingTag = true; | |||||
tagBuffer = '{'; | |||||
return; | |||||
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currentKey = null; | |||||
isClosingTag = false; | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
return; | |||||
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isClosingTag = false; | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
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if (char === '}') { | |||||
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tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
}; | |||||
eventSource.onerror = (error) => { | |||||
console.log("连接已关闭"); | |||||
$("#btnAI").prop("disabled", false); | |||||
eventSource.close(); | |||||
}; | |||||
}); | |||||
</script> | </script> | ||||
</body> | </body> | ||||
</html> | </html> |
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">批量添加栏目</li> | <li class="breadcrumb-item active">批量添加栏目</li> | ||||
</ol> | </ol> | ||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | <div class="card shadow-sm"> | ||||
<div class="card-header">批量添加栏目</div> | |||||
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">批量添加栏目<button type="button" id="btnAI" onclick="showAI();" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">AI批量创建</button></div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | <div class="card-body"> | ||||
<form name="form1" action="catalog_add.php" method="post"> | <form name="form1" action="catalog_add.php" method="post"> | ||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="savequick"> | <input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="savequick"> | ||||
@@ -190,6 +190,38 @@ | |||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
<div id="mdlAI" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> | |||||
<div class="modal-dialog modal-xl"> | |||||
<div class="modal-content"> | |||||
<div class="modal-header"> | |||||
<h5 class="modal-title">AI批量创建栏目</h5> | |||||
<button type="button" class="update-close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-body"> | |||||
<form> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<textarea class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;height: 100px;" id="prompt" placeholder="填写您站点规划,AI帮您自动规划栏目,例如:我需要创建一个企业信息展示类站点"></textarea><br/> | |||||
选择模型:<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"<?php echo $row->isdefault==1?' selected' : '';?>><?php echo $row->model;?>(<?php echo $row->aititle;?>)</option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select><br/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-footer"> | |||||
<button id="btnAIAction" class="btn btn-success">AI生成</button> | |||||
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<script> | <script> | ||||
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function ShowHide(objname) { | function ShowHide(objname) { | ||||
@@ -223,7 +255,7 @@ | |||||
$(document).ready(function() { | $(document).ready(function() { | ||||
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var id = $("#addQuick tr").prevAll("tr").length + 1; | |||||
var id = $("#addQuick tr").prevAll("tr").length + 2; | |||||
$("#addQuick tr:eq(1)").clone(true).addClass("repeat") | $("#addQuick tr:eq(1)").clone(true).addClass("repeat") | ||||
.find(".rank input").attr("value", function() { | .find(".rank input").attr("value", function() { | ||||
return id; | return id; | ||||
@@ -249,6 +281,115 @@ | |||||
}).end().appendTo($("#addQuickRel")); | }).end().appendTo($("#addQuickRel")); | ||||
}); | }); | ||||
}); | }); | ||||
function showAI() { | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('show'); | |||||
} | |||||
$("#btnAIAction").click(function() { | |||||
let prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; | |||||
let modelid = document.getElementById("modelid").value; | |||||
let eventSource = new EventSource(`<?php echo $cfg_ai_server;?>/ai/catalog_add_quick?modelid=${modelid}&prompt=${prompt}`); | |||||
// 新增状态跟踪变量 | |||||
let currentKey = null; | |||||
let tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
let isClosingTag = false; | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('hide'); | |||||
$("#btnAI").attr("disabled", "disabled"); | |||||
prompt = ""; | |||||
let lastChar = ""; | |||||
eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { | |||||
const chars = event.data.split(''); | |||||
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char = '<br>'; // 替换为 <br> 标签 | |||||
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return; | |||||
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if (char === '}') { | |||||
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CKEDITOR.instances["content"].setData("") | |||||
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$(input).prop("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); // 仅禁用当前输入框 | |||||
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} | |||||
} | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
}; | |||||
eventSource.onerror = (error) => { | |||||
console.log("连接已关闭"); | |||||
$("#btnAI").prop("disabled", false); | |||||
eventSource.close(); | |||||
}; | |||||
}); | |||||
</script> | </script> | ||||
</body> | </body> | ||||
</html> | </html> |
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ | |||||
<li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改栏目</li> | <li class="breadcrumb-item active">修改栏目</li> | ||||
</ol> | </ol> | ||||
<div class="card shadow-sm"> | <div class="card shadow-sm"> | ||||
<div class="card-header">修改栏目</div> | |||||
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">修改栏目 <button type="button" id="btnAI" onclick="showAI();" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">AI修改栏目</button></div> | |||||
<div class="card-body"> | <div class="card-body"> | ||||
<form name="form1" action="catalog_edit.php" method="post"> | <form name="form1" action="catalog_edit.php" method="post"> | ||||
<input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | <input type="hidden" name="dopost" value="save"> | ||||
@@ -323,6 +323,38 @@ | |||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
</div> | </div> | ||||
<div id="mdlAI" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> | |||||
<div class="modal-dialog modal-xl"> | |||||
<div class="modal-content"> | |||||
<div class="modal-header"> | |||||
<h5 class="modal-title">AI修改栏目</h5> | |||||
<button type="button" class="update-close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-body"> | |||||
<form> | |||||
<div class="form-group"> | |||||
<textarea class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;height: 100px;" id="prompt" placeholder="填写您需要修改栏目的要求,例如:我需要栏目信息内容更丰富一些"></textarea><br/> | |||||
选择模型:<select id="modelid" class="admin-input-sm" style="width: 100%;"> | |||||
<?php | |||||
$dsql->SetQuery("SELECT AM.*,A.title as aititle FROM `#@__ai_model` AM LEFT JOIN `#@__ai` A ON A.id = AM.aiid ORDER BY id"); | |||||
$dsql->Execute(); | |||||
while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { | |||||
?> | |||||
<option value="<?php echo $row->id;?>"<?php echo $row->isdefault==1?' selected' : '';?>><?php echo $row->model;?>(<?php echo $row->aititle;?>)</option> | |||||
<?php | |||||
} | |||||
?> | |||||
</select><br/> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</form> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<div class="modal-footer"> | |||||
<button id="btnAIAction" class="btn btn-success">AI生成</button> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
</div> | |||||
<script> | <script> | ||||
var channelArray = new Array(); | var channelArray = new Array(); | ||||
<?php | <?php | ||||
@@ -408,6 +440,118 @@ | |||||
} | } | ||||
}); | }); | ||||
} | } | ||||
function showAI() { | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('show'); | |||||
} | |||||
let bodyHtml = ""; | |||||
$("#btnAIAction").click(function() { | |||||
let prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; | |||||
let modelid = document.getElementById("modelid").value; | |||||
let eventSource = new EventSource(`<?php echo $cfg_ai_server;?>/ai/catalog_edit?tid=<?php echo $id;?>&modelid=${modelid}&prompt=${prompt}`); | |||||
// 新增状态跟踪变量 | |||||
let currentKey = null; | |||||
let tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
let isClosingTag = false; | |||||
$("#mdlAI").modal('hide'); | |||||
$("#btnAI").attr("disabled", "disabled"); | |||||
prompt = ""; | |||||
let lastChar = ""; | |||||
eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { | |||||
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char = '<br>'; // 替换为 <br> 标签 | |||||
lastChar = ""; // 清空追踪字符 | |||||
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lastChar = char; // 记录当前字符 | |||||
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if (char === '\\') { | |||||
return; // 如果是反斜杠,跳过处理 | |||||
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isClosingTag = true; | |||||
tagBuffer = '{'; | |||||
return; | |||||
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currentKey = null; | |||||
isClosingTag = false; | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
return; | |||||
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console.log(bodyHtml); | |||||
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isClosingTag = false; | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
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CKEDITOR.instances["content"].setData(bodyHtml) | |||||
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input.value += char; | |||||
input.scrollTop = input.scrollHeight; // 滚动到底部 | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
if (char === '{') { | |||||
tagBuffer = '{'; | |||||
} else if (tagBuffer.startsWith('{')) { | |||||
tagBuffer += char; | |||||
if (char === '}') { | |||||
const match = tagBuffer.match(/{([^>]+)}/); | |||||
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currentKey = match[1]; | |||||
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CKEDITOR.instances["content"].setReadOnly(true); | |||||
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const input = document.querySelector(`[name="${currentKey}"]`); | |||||
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$(input).prop("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); // 仅禁用当前输入框 | |||||
input.value = ""; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
tagBuffer = ""; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
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eventSource.onerror = (error) => { | |||||
console.log("连接已关闭"); | |||||
$("#btnAI").prop("disabled", false); | |||||
eventSource.close(); | |||||
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@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ input { | |||||
padding:0.25rem 0.5rem; | padding:0.25rem 0.5rem; | ||||
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border:1px solid var(--gray-300); | border:1px solid var(--gray-300); | ||||
vertical-align:middle | vertical-align:middle | ||||
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@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ input[type=file] { | |||||
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input:focus,select:focus,textarea:focus { | input:focus,select:focus,textarea:focus { | ||||
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/* background:var(--white); */ | |||||
border-color:var(--blue-300); | border-color:var(--blue-300); | ||||
box-shadow:0 0 0 0.25rem rgba(0,123,255,0.25); | box-shadow:0 0 0 0.25rem rgba(0,123,255,0.25); | ||||
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@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ option:checked { | |||||
textarea { | textarea { | ||||
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color:var(--gray); | color:var(--gray); | ||||
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border:1px solid var(--gray-300); | border:1px solid var(--gray-300); | ||||
vertical-align:middle | vertical-align:middle | ||||
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ | |||||
<?php | <?php | ||||
/** | /** | ||||
* @version $id:common.inc.php 2024-04-15 tianya $ | |||||
* @version $id:common.inc.php 2025 tianya $ | |||||
* @package DedeBIZ.Libraries | * @package DedeBIZ.Libraries | ||||
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DedeBIZ.COM | * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 DedeBIZ.COM | ||||
* @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | * @license GNU GPL v2 (https://www.dedebiz.com/license) | ||||
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $cfg_medias_dir = $cfg_cmspath.$cfg_medias_dir; | |||||
$cfg_mediasurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_medias_dir; | $cfg_mediasurl = $cfg_mainsite.$cfg_medias_dir; | ||||
//程序信息摘要,请不要删除则系统无法接收升级信息 | //程序信息摘要,请不要删除则系统无法接收升级信息 | ||||
$cfg_version = 'V6'; | $cfg_version = 'V6'; | ||||
$cfg_version_detail = '6.3.2';//详细版本号 | |||||
$cfg_version_detail = '6.5.0';//详细版本号 | |||||
$cfg_soft_lang = 'utf-8'; | $cfg_soft_lang = 'utf-8'; | ||||
$cfg_soft_public = 'base'; | $cfg_soft_public = 'base'; | ||||
$cfg_softname = '得德系统'; | $cfg_softname = '得德系统'; | ||||